Monday, March 28, 2011

Albatrosses Dying of Plastic

Photo by Chris Jordan, albatross

Albatrosses are sea birds that mistake plastic washed up on shore for food. This photo is taken by Chris Jordan, who has taken dozens of photos of albatrosses that have died in the South Pacific Ocean. The plastic is everything imaginable - bottle caps, toothbrushes, parts of containers. The parent bird also feed plastic to their babies, so they're dying too.
Check out more photos here
Check out Youtubes of Midway Island and the problem here

You must see this! Click here

Monday, March 7, 2011

Italy Banned The Plastic Bag

On January 1, 2011 Italy banned all plastic single-use bags from being distributed in stores. It's the first entire country in Europe to ban the plastic bag. Fort McMurray is still further along since we've banned single use bags of all materials (paper, corn, etc.)