Love Your Bag

15 polyethylene bags from one small grocery shopping trip. Lots of double bagging.

Those same groceries fit into 3 great Baggu reusable bags. Greg Halinda Photography.

Making the Change
It makes sense to stop using single-use bags. But it's hard to change the habit. The best way to make the switch is to truly love your bags. Good reusable bags need to be washable, durable, and ethically made (workers have a safe environment and are paid well - Fair Trade).


Great Bags
Here are some great bags, mostly made by ordinary people who decided to do something about the disposable bag problem. They each created their own version of the perfect bag, coming up with their own perfect materials, designs, and colours. Polyester, recycled cotton, organic help, upcycled ad banners - the variety is fun and exciting.
Go to   for a the best selection.
Bettybags       Canadian, lovely big mesh ones
Baggu              Amazing grocery shopping bags, 5 in a small pouch. Huge, durable, washable.
Blue Avocado  Cute bundle.
Envirosax         Very handy roll up for pocket or purse
Terra Cycle       Upcycled juice boxes from schools
Freak-o-bags   The cutest monster bags, clip on, stuff in.
Credo Bags        Produce bags
Flip and Tumble     The best produce bags - big, strong

Cheap bags are bulky, hard to wash and tear more easilty. Greg Halinda Photography

Safe Bags
There are issues with lead in reusable bags made in China. The worst are with those that use a paint or ink on the outside. High quality bags, like the ones listed on this page, have tested their products to ensure they meet the standards. CTV News    MSNBC  

Washable Bags
Use bags that can be washed to keep your food safe.  


Freak-o-Bags. Cotton and nylon. Fair Trade.