
Young people of all ages are willing to learn and create change.
Greg Halinda Photography 

RMWB Landfill & Recycling Tours   Great first hand look for classes
Plastic Bags   A great Prezi by Akshaya, Grade 7
Plastic Pollution Curriculum & Activity Guide, all grades
Recycling & Waste Reduction Activities
Lesson Plans, Jersey
Toronto Public School Board

How The Problem Happens     The Story of Stuff

Events   Waste Reduction Week 

Recycling Facts    Wood Buffalo, Alberta

Plastic Bags In Schools  Clean up Australia

Worm Composting   Check out our website!
Setting up a classroom or home worm composter is a great way to see how things do - or don't - decompose. It also helps reduce the number of items going to landfill.

Household Plastic Bags    Clean Up Australia

Reusable Bags for School Fundraiser   Chico Bag

Rrribbitt is Wood Buffalo's Reycling Mascot