Monday, April 23, 2012

The Bag Ban ammendments

City Council approved the proposed amendments to the Single-Use Bag By-Law.

If you want to see the amendments, they're at the end of this document.... 
Basically, the same stores will be able to give out bags (restaurants, liquor, pharmacy).

In addition, now there can be single-use bags given out at stores which sell:
  • bulk goods (nails, screws, fruit, nuts, grains, vegetables)
  • meat or fish, frozen or fresh -flowers, plants
  • bakery items
  • dry cleaning
  • paraphernalia related to the use of illegal drugs
  • undergarments
  • items of a personal or adult nature
  • adult items
  • dirty, greasy or hazardous products
The thick plastic bags that Reitmans and Marks give out are still allowed.

Sean Graham, the initiator of the ban, was not in favour of the amendments, as he feels there will be bags everywhere now, and that too much will be up to the discretion of the store owners.

But, we're well on our way to still being the best community for bag consciousness. So, remember your bags!